That's what we are loud about in this city of Pune, which is the cradle of education and fondly referred to as the Oxford and Cambrige of India by our first Prime Minister.
The characteristic of this land is it's fertile intellectual brilliance and it's potency to shape the destiny of this country and the world through its revolutionary thought process applicable in all spheres of life.
We are proudly carrying forward the same legacy in tone and text.
ZEN is a synonym for dhyan or Meditation.
ZEN is a continuous ongoing evolutionary process to create the right and harmonious perception in KIDS towards all aspects of life.
An individual is the smallest unit of a family, a Society, a Civilisation, a Country and the World.
At KIDZEN, we work towards creating holistic, harmonious, inclusive, compassionate, and healthy minds in our Kids who shall be a light unto the World by their very being.
In today's World technology is consuming all age groups and the emotional, cohesive well being and stability of families and the World is at stake.
Our KIDZEN approach is to groom our kids to be the future global leaders and the messengers of Prosperity, Peace and Harmony beginning with their own families and carrying this philosophy to the World.
How do we achieve this..?
We believe in creating intelligent, o hardworking, kind and compassionate human beings with a great sense of service to their parents, family, society, the nation and the whole of humanity.
Along with an intelligent and a thinking mind, we believe in developing a great heart with the highest compassion, kindness and love towards all human beings and towards all life on our planet.
To create meditative individuals who are successful in the material world with the path of righteousness and who also explore their own divinity and oneness with the Universe from their inner depths as per our ancient Indian wisdom.
To identify the unique positive skills in each child and develop them to its fullest potential. To achieve the all round development of each child and create global leaders with Indian values.